In this article, we will learn how to configure multi-modules project in Spring with the support of Maven build tool. Using this approach makes our code better structure, easily maintain.

Let’s get started.

Table of contents

Create multi-module project

  1. Structure of multi-module project

    • Parent project will configure with packing tag with pom. It will consist of version for all child projects, dependencies management, plugin management for building project.

    • Child project main will contain static main method. It will have all dependencies that are child projects, and we will configure it to build jar file.

    • Child project configuration will contain all configurations of program such as configurations of Spring MVC, or Webflux, and some beans …

    • Child project shared will consist of some utility classes such as StringUtils, JsonUtils, CollectionUtils, …

    • Child project webservice will contain all interfaces to communicate with client through Restful Api.

    • Child project func-employee will contain implementation of controller, and other services, or repositories, or dao layer, and entities for mapping between objects and records in database.

  2. We will create multi-module project with two ways:

    • Use command line prompt with maven.

      • First, we have to create parent project with the packaging’s value is pom.

          mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.manhpd -DartifactId=parent-project

        In pom.xml file of parent-project, we will fill it with <packaging>pom</packaging>. It means that parent-project will serve as a parent or an aggregator – it will not produce further artifacts.

        In parent-project, we will define all version of our packages for sub-modules.

      • Next, we will cd parent-project to create sub-modules.

          mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.manhpd.pdMultiProj  -DartifactId=main
          mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.manhpd.pdMultiProj  -DartifactId=configuration
          mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.manhpd.pdMultiProj  -DartifactId=shared
          mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.manhpd.pdMultiProj  -DartifactId=webservice
          mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.manhpd.pdMultiProj  -DartifactId=func-employee

        Open pom.xml file of parent-project, we will find that:

      • Finally, we will configure for sub-modules with pom.xml file

      • Note

        • All submodules can have only one parent.
    • Use GUI with support of Intellij IDEA or Eclipse.

      • Create parent project

        Based on Maven, we will create parent project.

        Then, we have:

        Click Next button, we will have a parent project.

      • Create our submodules

        Similarly, we will continue to create our child modules.

        Open Project Structure of current parent-project, we have:

        Next, fill some desired information about child modules.

        Finally, we have main project with the following structure:

        As same as with other child modules, we have:

      • Refer sample:

Benefits and drawbacks

  1. Benefits
    • Reduce duplication.
    • Share a vast amount of configuration with other modules.
    • One single maven command to build all your modules at once.
    • Conveniene to reuse code
  2. Drawbacks
    • understanding deeper project to work with it.

Some problems that we configure multi-modules project

  • In Intellij IDEA, usually cope with the error about “java: packages do not exists”

  • Create life cycle between dependencies

    We are utilizing two modules that are dependency together. Solution for this problem is to remove uneccessary dependency in another module.

  • RestController/Controller/Service/Component was not called when each controller/service/component in one modules.

    We should use @ComponentScan to solve this problem.

    For example:

      @ComponentScan(basePackages = { "com.manhpd.pdMultiProj.*" })
      public class MainApplication {
          private static Logger logger = (Logger) LogManager.getLogger(MainApplication.class);
          public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
              SpringApplication app = new SpringApplication(MainApplication.class);

Deploy multi-module project

  1. There are some multiple ways to build multi-modules project into one fat jar file.
    • Use maven-shade-plugin

                                    <transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">

      We can refer this link.

    • Use spring-boot-maven-plugin

      This plugins will be used in main module that in its pom.xml file, it has all declarations of the rest of modules.


      This way is working like a charm.

  2. Running

     cd parent-project
     mvn clean install
     mvn exec:java -pl main

Wrapping up

Thanks for your reading.
