Table of Contents

Delete operation

  1. Stop tracking a file from the staging area

     # with a file
     git rm --cached <file-path>
     # with a folder
     # -r option means recursive
     git rm -r --cached <folder-path>
  2. Remove a file from the local repository

    • First, we need to revert to the previous commit.

        git reset --soft HEAD^1

      So, our files that are in the staging area.

    • Second, we will remove them from the staging area.

        git rm --cached <file-path>

      Now, our files appear in the untracking files section. Then, we will remove directly that file.

    • Finally, commit the remaining files and push them to the remote repository.

        git commit -m "message"
        git push origin <branch-name>
  3. Remove files that are not tracked by the staging area

     git clean -f
     # delete folder
     git clean -f -d
     # watch files before deleting
     git clean -n -f -d
  4. Delete local’s all removed files in repository

     git rm $(git ls-files --deleted)
  5. Remove a folder in the remote repository

     git rm -rf <folder-name>
     git commit -m "message"
     git push -f origin <branch-name>

Rename operation

# rename a file
git mv <file-name> <new-file-name>

Move operation

git mv <file-path> <folder-path>

Search operation

  1. Search files’s name that is managed by Git

     git ls-files | grep <file-name>
  2. Search files that contain words

     git grep <word-pattern>
     # accompany with the number of line
     git grep -n <word-pattern>
     # only list the files's name
     git grep -l <word-pattern>
     # list the amount of word's appearance
     git grep -c <word-pattern>
  3. Search the user that remove a file

     # When a file was removed
     git log --diff-filter=D -- <file-path>
     # find the datetime and what's commit that file was deleted
     git log --diff-filter=D --summary -- <file-path>

    The meaning of above options:

    • : It is used to notify Git that it’s not a branch or is an option of a command.
    • –summary: list files that were deleted or added. We have another option with the similar functionality: –name-status.
    • –diff-filter: specify the type of change a file. It has some values such as Added - A, Coppied - C, Modified - M, Renamed - R.
  4. Search information of a file that was added

     git log --diff-filter=A --name-status | grep -C 10 <pattern>
  5. Find information of user that has the last change for a line of a file

     git blame <file-path>
  6. Search commits that removed or added a sequence of characters

    Using **git log -S** or **git log -G**.

     git log -Sgoogle --diff-filter=M --patch
  7. Search for commits by a particular author

     git log --author="<pattern>"
  8. Search for commits with a commit message that matches <pattern>

     git log --grep="<pattern>"
  9. Display commits that have the specified file

     git log -- <file-path>

Undo operation

  1. Restore a file that does not add to the staging area

     # 1st way - use git checkout
     git checkout -- <file-path>
     # 2nd way - use git reset
     git reset 
  2. Restore a file that is added to the staging area.

     # 1st way - using git restore
     git restore --staged <file-path>
     # 2nd way - using git reset in mixed mode
     # the local respority and the staging area will be reset, but the changes in working space are still remained
     git reset -- <file-path>
  3. Restore a file that is pushed to the local/remote repository

    Sometimes we push the changes of a files as the 2 commits to the local/remote repository. But now we want to revert this file to the previous state of the 2 commits.

     # commits of a file in the master of the local/remote repository
                HEAD (refers to branch 'master')
     a --- b --- c  branch 'master' (refers to commit 'c')
     # switch to the master branch
     git checkout master
     # reverts to two revision back
     git checkout master~2
     # delete file in the workspace
     rm -f <file-name>
     # restore <file-name> from the staging area
     git checkout <file-name>
     # push to the remote repository
     git push -f origin master

    OR we can use the below way:

     git checkout master
     # In git, -- before the file tells git that all the next arguments should be interpreted as filenames,
     # not as branch-names or anything else.
     git checkout <commit-id> -- <file-name>

Wrapping up

  • To use above commands effectively, we need to think about what object that we cope with, and then action for it.
