Table of Contents

Create a new repository

Belows are steps that we will create a new repository.

  1. Create a new folder that contains our project

  2. In this folder, typing git init command

     # create an empty repository with .git folder to manage everything in this folder
     git init
  3. Create our new things and push them to the local repository

     git add .
     git commit -m "message"

    If we don’t want to track some files, create .gitignore file.

  4. Finally, we will connect the local repository with our Gitlab or Github

    • In the Gitlab or Github, create our new repository.

    • Then, in our working space, we will add the remote repository’s url in the loal configuration

        git remote add origin <remote-repository-url>
        git push -u origin master

Remove the remote repository

# syntax
git remote rm <repository-name>

# for example
git remote rm sample-repo

Add the new remote repository

git remote add <name_of_repository> url

url: means the path that points to repo, the tail of url is .git.

To check this remote whether it makes or not, use the syntax:

git remote
git remote -v

When to use:

  • when we want to merge a repository’s branches to the other repository’s branches.

Wrapping up

  • Understanding what we will intend to do with Git.